LING/PSYC 27010, AU 2016, University of Chicago
this page is where reading assignments live.
week 1
- Pinker, The Language Instinct -- Chapter 7 [.pdf]
- Sedivy, Language in Mind -- Chapter 1 plus a bit [.pdf]
week 2
for tuesday:
- Cowie, "Innateness and Language" (SEP), [.pdf] and link
read: Secs. 1, 2, 3.1, 3.3
- Ibbotson + Tomasello, Scientific American article
[.pdf] and link
for thursday:
- Snedeker + Gleitman (2004) [.pdf]
note: all figures appear at end of document
- Smith + Yu (2008) [.pdf]
note: all figures appear at end of document
- Markman (1990) [.pdf]
week 3
for tuesday:
- Pinker, The Language Instinct -- Chapters 5-6 [.pdf]
- Pinker + Ullman (2002) [.pdf]
for thursday:
- Sedivy, Language in Mind -- Chapter 7 [.pdf]
- Rastle et al. (2000) [.pdf]
optional follow-up: Rastle et al. (2004) [.pdf]
week 4
for tuesday:
- Sedivy, Language in Mind -- Chapter 8
(also first few pages of Ch6 Sec4, p216-218)
for thursday:
- N/A
week 5
for tuesday:
- keep looking at Chapter 8
for thursday:
- Tanenhaus + Brown-Schmidt (2008) [.pdf]
week 6
for tuesday:
- Sedivy, Language in Mind -- Chapter 10
- Grice -- Logic and Conversation [.pdf]
for thursday:
- N/A -- midterm
week 7
for tuesday:
week 8
for tuesday:
for thursday:
- N/A -- lab discussion
week 9
for tuesday:
for thursday:
- no class -- Thanksgiblin!
week 10
for tuesday:
for thursday:
- N/A -- course recap